FAQ | Before Hiring Painters in Markham



Every dollar must give you the best quality of service. So Painters in Markham should also offer the best quality of painting service in markham.

Here are some questions that you must ask your house painter before hiring them:

  • Do you have a list of customers who would be willing to verify the quality of your work?
  • When will you finish? How long will the project take?
  • Do I need to do anything before you arrive?
  • Do you cover all of your employees with Workman’s Compensation Insurance?
  • How will my house be prepped for painting?
  • What grade of paint will be used?
  • How many Painters in Markham will be on the job and how long will the job take?
  • I don't know what criteria should be used to select exterior wall Painters in Markham
  • Does the work come with a warranty?

Ques: Do you have a list of customers who would be willing to verify the quality of your work?

The paint contractor should provide a list of homes he or she has recently painted and allow potential customers to talk to homeowners with experience working directly with the contractor. You can be a contractor neighbor, sister-in-law, or other "ringer,"so if you have a very small number of homeowners who can talk, you're a little skeptical.

Ques: When will you finish? How long will the project take?

If you are the type of person who likes to stay home when the project is completed at home, knowing an overview of the time will make this important to plan your own schedule. 

It also helps to know if they are still on track to complete the project when they plan. However, at certain times of the year, the weather can delay this schedule. 

So try to take that into account in your plan. Also, knowing if you're working on other projects at the same time can explain why they're only there every day, or just a few hours a day. 

Some companies are too small to have all their employees devoted to one project a day, but that doesn't mean they should worry that the project won't be completed by the deadline they gave them.

Recommended to read: Student Painters v/s Professional Painters in Markham, Which One to Choose?

Ques: Do I need to do anything before you arrive?

Asking if someone needs to do something before drawing is a good pre-question. Some companies don't need to do anything, while others ask for furniture to be moved or ready. This may not be a success or failure question for you, but it's a good idea to know so you can prepare if you want.

Ques: Do you cover all of your employees with Workman’s Compensation Insurance?

If a worker is injured while on the property of a customer, the homeowner can be held financially liable if the contractor does not have enough insurance to cover all workers. Ask the contractor if they have worker accident compensation. Ask them to review copies of both the contractor's general liability insurance and worker accident compensation policies.

Ques: How will my house be prepped for painting?

This is an important question, and it is equally important that the contract provides detailed answers and does not provide vague generality. 

Have the Painting contractor submit the entire preparation process in writing, and the date and sign it. Holes and defects in the walls need to be repaired. 

To get rid of the old paint as much as possible, it is necessary to scrape or polish all the surfaces to paint. Ask how many people will participate in the preparation process. 

For homeowners who don't know it, preparation is as important as the painting process itself.

Ques: What grade of paint will be used?

Unless homeowners require the use of "contractor grade" paint to save a few dollars, homeowners should request premium-grade paint applications. 

The reason is that cheap grade paints often cause a quick lead-through and cannot withstand as much normal wear as premium grade paints. In addition, please fill in the document in advance how many times you want to paint.

Ques: How many Painters in Markham will be on the job and how long will the job take?

Occasionally, contractors imply that some painters engage in work in a way that allows them to get the job done quickly. However, far fewer people show up to paint the actual picture, and the job can take twice as long as the time homeowners are led to believe. 

This is common. Even a written contract stipulating how many people are assigned to the job and how long it takes to finish the job is not guaranteed to solve all the problems of the homeowner, but such a written guarantee can give the homeowner at least some leverage. It is not unreasonable to add a clause to the effect that "weather allows" when contractors bid for outdoor work.

Ques: I don't know what criteria should be used to select exterior wall Painters in Markham

When choosing a supplier for exterior wall painting and roof painting, whether the priority of the customer's request is price or quality. Whether the past achievements and years of the establishment are important, the sense of trust and security is important. The vendor you should choose depends on the situation.

Ques: Does the work come with a warranty?

Depending on the weather conditions in the homeowner's area, the painting work with premium grade paint should last about 10 years. In any case, the Painters in Markham must provide a guarantee for the job and detail how the warranty is honored. Vague assurances are meaningless. Get the terms in writing.

Get it touch with the best house painters in markham today call us at: 647-835-0590


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