How to Use Drywall Anchors Easy Tips



If you've ever tried to hang something on a wall, you know it can be a bit difficult and tricky. Especially if you can't drive a screw into a stud. 

There is the innumerable small stuff that you have to pay attention to for Drywall Installation. When you're trying to make a hole in the wall make it to be carefully without any damage.

Read here all about what is drywall anchors, how to use them, how to remove them, etc in this article

In This Article

  • What exactly are drywall anchors?
  • Why use an anchor for Drywall Installation
  • Types of drywall anchors
  • How to install drywall anchors
  • How to remove drywall anchors
  • How much weight can drywall anchors hold?
  • Should you always use drywall anchors?
  • Choose the Professional Drywall Installers

What exactly are drywall anchors?

Ideally, you want to hang heavy items on the wall by using the studs as an anchor. However, this is not always possible, especially if there is an exact spot where you want to hang something and there is no post behind it.

Unfortunately, if you were to simply drive a screw into the drywall, the brittleness of the drywall material would not allow the threads of the screw to fully bite into the drywall, which would make the holding force of the screw quite low. Generally.

This is how drywall anchors save the day. A drywall anchor between the screw and the drywall, biting into the drywall much more effectively than a screw would. Then you screw into the anchor so that everything stays in place.

Depending on what you're hanging or mounting, you might want to use a specific type of drywall anchor, and you have several to choose from.

Why use an anchor for Drywall Installation

Mounting heavy objects such as televisions, mirrors, pictures, or shelves on your walls requires the support of poles. If a stud is not available in the area you are working in, a drywall anchor can provide the strength you need. This handy (and tiny) powerhouse sits between the screw and drywall and bites into the drywall, providing extra strength not found with a drywall screw alone.

Click to read out: Drywall Installation Guide

Types of drywall anchors

There are different types of drywall anchors to meet your needs:

  • Expansion anchors are small plastic anchors that expand when you drive the screw into them.
  • Threaded anchors are more like large screws because they have large threads for biting into drywall.
  • Molly bolts are great for much heavier objects and can be used with drywall or concrete walls.
  • Toggle bolts are probably the most powerful anchor you can find.

How to install drywall anchors

1- Select anchors­­

Make sure you select the correct anchors for the job. When purchasing drywall anchors, read the packaging carefully, making sure they can support the weight of what you are going to hang.

2 - Pre-drill­­

Although some drywall anchors do not mention this step, we still recommend pre-drilling holes before installing your anchors. This will ensure that your anchor will fit snugly into your drywall.

When you pre-drill, be sure to pre-drill your hole with a bit smaller than your anchor. If your anchor is self-piercing, you can skip this step.

3 - Install the anchor­­

Install the anchor as indicated on the packaging. Apply enough pressure for the anchor to fully penetrate the drywall. Drill until the edge of the anchor is flush with the wall.

4 - Drill with a screw­­

Drill the screw through the anchor. This will expand the anchor behind the wall, providing additional support for the object being hung.

Using a hammer, gently hammer the anchor into the wall until it is flush. You can now screw the screw into the anchor and hang the item.

How to remove drywall anchors

When you're ready to remove things from the wall, you can remove the screws from the wall and then turn the anchor counterclockwise to see if it will continue to come out of the wall. If so, continue turning counterclockwise to remove the anchor.

If it doesn't move, you can use a pair of needle-nose pliers to gently and firmly remove the anchor. This may require a slight rocking motion.

How much weight can drywall anchors hold?

4 to 22 KG

Drywall anchors are surprisingly strong for their size. Depending on the type, you can expect them to securely hold 4 to 22 KG. Always check the notes on the packaging to make sure it will stand up to the project you need it for.

Should you always use drywall anchors?

Drywall is weak to hand, it became drywall is necessary. The anchor is essential.

The anchor essentially allows you to drive screws into the wall without collapsing the soft drywall around it.

Choose the Professional Drywall Installers - Mascons

The professional Mas Construction the best Drywall installation expert in Toronto is ready to help you find the right drywall anchor for your project, paired with expert advice on the right installation. Contact us today: +1 647-835-0590


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