Choose Best Exterior Paint by Exterior Painter in Toronto and London



From entertainment to work, you will find everything in the city of London, Ontario. People are moving more and more to this beautiful city in Canada.

More people mean more houses and more houses means more Painter for house, which brings more confusion about whom to trust.

To make your house beautiful from the exterior is possible with the right match of exterior colors. In This Article, I will explain how you can choose the best quality exterior paint for your house with the help of an Exterior Painter in Toronto and London.

In This Article

  • What is facade paint?
  • What paint is used for the exterior painting?
  • Requirements for an exterior paint
  • How do you know which paint is good for facades?
  • What exterior paint should we use?

What is facade paint?

The Exterior painting coatings are continuous coatings that we apply to the exterior materials of the building with a double intention.

  • They must provide aesthetic content (and a clean image) to the building. It is usual that when undertaking the reform of Exterior painting or any exterior element of the building we consider the design and current trends. 
  • They must protect the construction materials of the building. Mainly from the humidity but also from other problems of being outdoors and that can produce odious cracks or fissures.

Its application is usually done by professionals using scaffolding or hanging work, and for its application, they require a stable favorable time.

Its formulation must be specifically designed to withstand the elements without changing color or cracks for at least ten years.

In those formulated with water, such as Interpol, the ambient temperature must be above 5ºC when applying it. 

London Ontario painters know how to protect the surface while providing an aesthetic element to the decoration.

Recommended to read: Tips to Make Your House Beautiful in 2021 by Painting Contractor Toronto

What paint is used for the exterior painting?

When we are thinking of buying or applying good acrylic paint for an exterior house, we must think that its mission is twofold. 

When the manufacturer prepares to formulate the paint, he can't forget the price of the paint, since the components necessary to make a good top layer of paint are often expensive. However, due to the wide variety of paints and manufacturers, the prices and quality of components will vary widely. 

Something that we must bear in mind is that the cost of rehabilitating a facade, both the materials and the labor are usually expensive, so the coating is required to have a long life beyond the ten years in which it keeps its properties, protect the building, preserve its color and avoid cracks. Therefore, the top coatings of Exterior painting must be well formulated that can only be done by professional London painters.

Requirements for an exterior paint

A good exterior paint must meet the following characteristics:

  • It must be resistant to water and yet be permeable to water vapor so that the building can “breathe” well.
  • That has a great covering power. The rehabilitation of facades is expensive due to the time it takes and the devices to be assembled (scaffolding, hanging work, etc.). So an exceptional covering power will help to save costs for applicators.
  • That it has the desired "barrier effect". Between the weather and construction materials so that it does not suffer.
  • That it has a sufficient point of elasticity to be able to cover and prevent the appearance of cracks and fissures on the facade. 
  • That it resists the solar rays without changes of color or producing chalking.
  • That resists the rain without presenting saponification or efflorescences.
  • That it resists the change of temperature without breaking, forming fissures or cracks, and without detaching.
  • That it does not get dirty and preferably, like endure, that it is self-washable.
  • That it resists microbiological attack without presenting degradation.
  • Resistant to the invasion of algae, fungi, and lichens.

Requirements for a facade paint

Some paints are available in the market with names like smooth paintrough paintsmooth coating, textured coating, and differ in texture, and shape of layer application. All of them must meet the basic requirements mentioned above. 

How do you know which paint is good for facades?

If the paint does not have a great anchoring on the material on which it is going to be applied, we must discard it immediately, since the resistance of the product is the same if, in the end, it is going to come off the support.

DurabilityObviously the longer the coating resists outdoors, the better. For this, the product must have shown that it resists water, UV rays, and other external elements such as saltpeter or verdigris well.

The elasticity.  The construction elements are subjected to continuous movements. Sometimes by an old foundation, by structural movements, or by simple contraction and expansion of the support on which it is applied. 

Impermeability.  One of the main reasons for the cracks that we have discussed before are materials that absorb too much rainwater. In many cases, this moisture leaks, and when night falls it freezes, cracking the exterior cladding of the building. 

Water vapor permeability.  If in the previous section we talked about outdoor paint it should not let water in, it is also important that we clarify that it should let it out. 

If this confused you more than the Exterior painter Toronto is near you.

What exterior paint should we use?

The application of exterior coatings is generally related to high costs by Proficient Painting London Ontario: they are applications carried out by professionals, scaffolding is normally required and a favorable stable time is necessary for their application.

For the polymer to develop its binding function, one of the essential requirements is that the ambient temperature is above 5ºC so that the water in the product does not freeze. Also, a temperature (higher than 35ºC) can be harmful, because the evaporation of the water is very fast and the polymer prematurely loses its binding power.


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