All you need to know about the Exterior Painting Brampton



Exterior paint is also important as well as interior painting. We can’t deny how much exterior house decor is important.

There are many types of exterior painting designs and colors; sometimes it's hard to choose the perfect color and design for a house exterior.

Only professionals know what is best for your house, so this article is all about the exterior painting and its type, exterior paint color, and many more.

In This Article

  • Types of Exterior Paint
  • Surface preparation
  • How to do painting in Brampton
  • Regulations for exterior painting
  • Why get a professional exterior painting

Types of exterior paint

You have the choice between several types of exterior paints, in the aqueous phase as in the solvent phase. Another possibility is mineral lime paint.

Finally, insulating paint is a recent innovation that is very effective in terms of thermal insulation.

There are three types of paint

  • Exterior water-based paints
  • Exterior solvent-based paints
  • Exterior lime paint

Exterior water-based paints

Acrylics, siloxanes, latex, or hydropliolites, here are the characteristics of these exterior paints:


  • Microporous: let the surface breathe, moisture escapes
  • Weather and UV resistant
  • Resist deformations of materials, do not crack or crack
  • Low odor
  • Fast drying

Exterior solvent-based paints

Solvent-phase exterior painting is essentially pliolites, the characteristics of which are as follows:

  • Microporous: let the surface breathe, moisture escapes;
  • Do not flake;
  • Weather and UV resistant;
  • Resist moss;
  • The beading effect preventing water absorption by the support.

These exterior paints in the solvent phase are however more expensive than water phase paints and not very ecological.

Exterior lime paint

Lime paint is a mineral exterior paint with many advantages:

  • Natural and 100% ecological;
  • Microporous: allows the surface to breathe, moisture escapes;
  • Resistant to mould;
  • Good protection against insects.

Lime paint, however, requires a careful application to prevent it from cracking. Besides, it is not washable.

Surface preparation by exterior painter

As with the application of interior paint, surface preparation is the key to the success of your exterior painting. Your substrate must be dry, healthy, without cracks or mould, and not powdery.

Whatever your surface (wood, concrete, cement, etc.) you must:

  • Remove all traces of flaking paint by scraping with a brush and then sanding;
  • Wash it under high pressure or with a trisodium phosphate cleaner;
  • Determine the cause of mould or moisture and treat it with an antifungal product or bleach.
  • Fill the cracks with a sealant;
  • Apply a suitable fixer before applying the paint;
  • Let the surface dry completely.

In all cases, follow the instructions on the label of your paint bucket.

How to do painting in Brampton

The application of exterior paint requires some precautions for uniform and essential painting tools.

Exterior painting requires an average temperature, neither too cold nor too hot.

In any case, avoid painting in direct sunlight. The paint then dries too quickly and eventually cracks.

The atmosphere should not be too humid either. Be careful not to paint too early in the morning, when the morning dew is still installed, nor too late at night so that the dew does not fall while your paint is still fresh.

For best results, use an undercoat suited to your surface and two topcoats.

Ask for advice during your purchase or refer to the instructions for your paint bucket.

A well-executed application guarantees you a resistance of at least 10 years on a facade and an average of 3/4 years on wooden, iron, or plastic surfaces (furniture, fencing, balcony, etc.).

Regulations for exterior painting

Do you dream of a yellow facade and red shutters? Before you start, it is essential to go through your town hall to:

  • Check that your municipality does not impose color constraints;
  • Make a declaration of work.

The municipality can impose a face lift on you if it is in very poor condition. You will then be forced to carry out the work within 6 months to one year, under penalty of having to pay a substantial fine.

If you delay carrying out this face lift, the town hall may decide to initiate the work itself and recover its investment in the form of tax.

Why get a professional exterior painting

Add value to your home

If you want to sell the property or simply want to give it a fresh look on the outside and inside, a good Exterior painter's work will be an economical and convenient option. Painting the exterior of your home and the interiors increases the overall property value.

Without a doubt, painting is an investment. You do not have to wait long to see the retribution, just by being at home enjoying the new environments or at the time of selling it, the contribution you made will be reflected. Also, a freshly painted property will always have a higher value and will attract more buyers.

Paint protects your home

Exterior painting not only makes it look beautiful, but it also increases the life span of the building or house by protecting it from the harmful atmosphere.

Many factors affect your house externally like weather, storms, rainy season or strong rays of the sun, etc. it is important to choose a good paint that protects your house externally

These different weather conditions may create moisture, paint, peeling, or cracks in the ceiling in the walls.

  • Highest quality of execution
  • Material of the highest quality
  • Compliance with the technological instructions
  • Property insurance - insurance against damage
  • Fast service - depending on the possibilities
  • Good work
  • Reasonable price
  • Cleaning up after the job is done
  • Years of experience
  • Satisfied customer

So what are you waiting for get the best exterior painter for a house by Mas Construction - the Best House Painter in Brampton.


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